Spare Change: Why Switching Your Diet Mentality Makes Sense for Effective Weight Loss

"I’ve been dieting for weeks and haven’t lost a pound... So tonight, I’m going to eat whatever I want!” 

That was a statement recently posted by an acquaintance of mine on social media. When I read it, it evoked many emotions, thoughts and concerns.

As a registered dietitian I prefer to only use the word "diet" (if at all) as a noun, in the context of one of the following definitions:

    - food and drink regularly provided or consumed
    - habitual nourishment
    - the type and amount of food prescribed by a health professional for a specific reason

This, to me, is much more appropriate than associating the term "diet" with the following definitions:

a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one's weight (going on a diet)
- to eat significantly less food or consume only particular kinds of food in attempt to weigh less over a certain period of time (to be on a diet)

Dieting, which in many cases is accompanied by a negative connotation, can oftentimes put someone in a position to feel as though they are one of two things: “on the wagon” or “off the wagon.” 

Based on my experience in nutritional coaching I've discovered one thing about "dieting" which could result in much more positive results for many of you out there who struggle with tipping the scales back in your favor... and that's choosing to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. In other words-- rather than going on a diet or feeling like you're restricted by a diet, believing you're simply taking a new route toward a healthy lifestyle and establishing new habits may be a much more advantageous route (for your mind as well as your body).

From what I've seen in a myriad of Source ONE Nutrition clients, this optimistic attitude alteration can allow you to feel liberated from thoughts of I’m on a diet, I absolutely cannot have that or I'm deprived and I'm hungry

Additionally, when you do splurge on something you feel may not be the most ideal or maybe isn't allowed on your weight loss regimen, you won't have to experience the heavy burden of guilt for eating it. Changing your mind can change your body for the better. Why not give it a try, starting TODAY?!

Remember, diets are temporary. But healthy lifestyles are unending!

For more optimal wellness information visit my web site TODAY at:

Tuning into Your Health with Turmeric

Turmeric --It's one of the most thoroughly researched plants ever
that it could almost be viewed by some as Mother Nature's biggest celebrity.

So what is it exactly that scientists are looking for when they're studying this greenery and what have they uncovered thus far?

A growing number of studies have concluded that turmeric compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications... including those typically used for:

- treating high cholesterol
- managing depression
- controlling diabetes
- fighting cancer

So what's the main bioactive compound linked to turmeric that's behind these powerful medicinal properties? 

The answer is Curcumin, and you've probably seen it in the herbs & spices section of your local grocery store plenty of times (but may just not have thought about it in relation to healing any sort of medical condition). 

Curcumin, believe it or not, has extremely powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is also a very strong antioxidant. 

Curcumin comprises only 3-5% of turmeric though, so if you want to receive its full benefits as a naturopathic remedy, then you may want to consider using an extract containing a significant amount of this herb (once a health condition or disease presents itself, large doses or curcumin in pill-form may be helpful as a drug alternative or adjunct treatment). 

Using turmeric in low culinary doses daily or several times a week, however, is a simple step which can be taken to reduce the risk of developing (or worsening) array of medical conditions.

For those of you who may not already know, turmeric is the spice that gives curry its distinct yellow color. 

Keeping curry stocked in your kitchen is a great idea, especially because it can be utilized as a simple add-in to many meals.

I came across an article this past week that inspired one of my weeknight dinners (CLICK HERE to check it out).

No need for an elaborate recipe; just survey your fridge for the fresh veggies and protein you'd like to combine in a stir fry, incorporate curry powder and you’re all set! 

My creative spin on this yummy dish included: 

- chicken
- broccoli
- sugar snap peas
- carrots
- red peppers

...all of which I nestled into Bibb lettuce leaves to serve as lettuce wraps (but feel free to put your own twist on this healthy dish and share it with us in the comments below).

Sprinkle curry powder over any proteins you may be cooking or add it to your stir fry to kick up the flavor as well as the health benefits at dinnertime.

Here's to tuning into your health with turmeric!

For more optimal wellness information visit my web site TODAY at:

The Great Debate: Source ONE Nutrition Examines Diet vs. Exercise

It's a question that seems to be on the minds of Americans EVERYWHERE and people are constantly searching for the correct answer: Which is more important, diet or exercise?

Many recent studies show results pointing to nutrition (aka your daily eating regimen) as being more important, specifically when it comes to managing your waistline and shedding excess pounds in general. In fact, an analysis of more than 700 weight loss studies unveiled that people see the biggest short-term results when they eat SMART.

Additionally, one doctor states, “the factors governing energy intakes influence the energy balance far more powerfully than the factors determining resting energy expenditures.” In other words, the energy balance equation that we often see, calories in = calories out isn't simply that black and white or clear cut.

What this truly means is whatever you put in your body affects the way it functions. So if it’s junk food you’re constantly consuming, those artificial and/or processed products can (and will) impact your system negatively, whether you are sedentary or even if you exercise daily. You may have heard, “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.” Unfortunately, these words of wisdom definitely ring true.

You can find information online as well to the tune of, to burn off the calories of the _____ you just ate, you will need to run _____ miles. But 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day, however, isn't going to combat a steady diet of fast and/or synthetic foods.

Healthy eating can often be perceived by many as a struggle, since it's oftentimes associated with the behavior of dieting. Healthy eating is not a diet, though... it's actually a series of positive changes that fit into your lifestyle, and these changes are something which can be maintained for a lifetime.

Obviously, none of this implies that exercise isn't important. Physical activity can boost your heart health, lower your blood pressure, can help beat stress, and may aid in reducing anxiety or even depression. Exercise coupled with healthy eating habits, therefore, is a winning combination.

Sure, you can lose weight with diet alone... but exercise is an important component. Without it, only a portion of your weight loss is from fat, which means you may risk losing muscle and bone density.

So let’s do this: Let’s not choose one or the other or even decide which is more important. Let’s make lifestyle changes we can incorporate into our lives, including both improvements in our nutrition as well as physical activity and finally, let’s not exercise solely so we can “eat whatever we want.” 

Seeing it from this particular point of view versus choosing just one over the other for maximum results can help us learn that diet PLUS exercise is actually a win-win. 

Here's to optimal wellness!

For more information about nutrition and healthy living visit

Chew on This: 5 SMART Snacking Tips from Source ONE Nutrition

Did you know? 

More than 9,000 snack products were launched into the consumer marketplace from 2008 to 2012 alone (yes, a whopping nine thousand)?!

While processed and prepackaged foods can be fast or convenient options, they aren't always the healthiest choices.

Almost half of the U.S. population can be found snacking while at work or school today and I'm a proponent of that, as long as you keep it SMART. Munching in between meals (when done in moderation) can actually help you avoid hunger pangs, keep you at the top of your game optimize mental clarity and even improve your focus.

With that being said, try these 5 helpful ideas to help you snack S.M.A.R.T. and stay healthy:

Sensible: Be sensible not only in your choice of snack (fruits, vegetables, nuts), but prepare a sensible portion size as well, to avoid overindulging. 

Mindful: Be mindful while you are eating your snack(s). In other words, be aware that you are engaging in eating, versus being zoned out while you're watching TV or sitting at your computer. Your snack will probably only take about 5 minutes to consume, so disengage from technology or other distractions so you can truly enjoy what you're consuming!

Accessible: Have healthy snacks on hand… whether it's at home, at work, in the car or in your purse or briefcase.

Restore: Snacks can be a great addition to your daily eating regimen. Additionally, it's an excellent place to slip in extra servings of fruits and vegetables (which have plenty of restorative vitamins, minerals and nutrients).

Timing: Timing is key. It’s best to have a snack 2-3 hours after your last/before your next meal.

Snacking eliminates the 6-7 hours that often lapse between meals. So if you're hungry, be SMART by noshing on something nutritious and avoid processed, prepackaged products as much as possible. 

There are plenty of satisfying and nutrient-dense foods derived right from Mother Nature to choose from. Happy snacking!

Lights, Camera PRE-Action: PRE-Acting vs. RE-Acting for Optimal Health

We live in a world surrounded by technology, information and cement; fast-paced living with little time for reflection. When an illness is severe and our mortality comes into question, we may take the time to stop and ponder our existence. 

But cured, we are off again; not thinking about the extraordinary, complicated human beings that we are. 

Our bodies are indeed intricately more complex and wondrous than all of the computers and gadgetry that surround us today....Yet many of us do not really know what lies beneath our skin—how our bodies function, what they need to survive, what destroys them, or what revives them.

This was the final thought I was left with after my second visit to Bodies: The Exhibition. I had already explored this exhibit about five years ago, but knew it was something I'd definitely like to see a second time.

As the self-proclaimed dork, nerd and science enthusiast behind Source ONE Nutrition I wandered through each room with the same excitement and intrigue I had the first time. Viewing diseased organs, my thoughts (of course) went straight to how the misfortune of each of these cadavers could have been prevented with proper nutrition.

That brings me to "the moral of the story,” which only occurred to me during my second visit: Pre-Action versus Reaction. 

Most of the time, because of our individual human nature, we REACT to everything. Something happens, and then we respond. In other words, our behaviors in many situations often seems to be dictated by something that has already taken place. We can, however, PRE-ACT (or take action before a particular event occurs) instead, thus preventing certain undesired results from transpiring.

From a wellness standpoint, pre-action puts you in a better position as an informed participant regarding your own health. It may involve more effort than simply improving your diet and/or beginning an exercise program, but with the assistance of a trusted expert you can determine the most ideal preventive steps necessary to ensure your unique body functions optimally.

That, my friends, is your PREamble to taking PRE-active health measures starting NOW.

For information about taking proper pre-action to achieve your total wellness goals CLICK HERE to visit Source ONE Nutrition !



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