Simple Holiday Menu


Happy Holidays! I hope you all are enjoying time with your friends and family. It is the first Christmas for our new family of 3 and we are staying home to relish the moments.

With the arrival of baby 3 weeks before the holiday, it has been a whirlwind. I didn’t plan ahead for a Christmas meal, as Cameron’s due date was actually December 22. I didn’t know if we would be home or in the hospital for delivery!

He decided to make his appearance on December 5 and the past few weeks have flown by. It then hit me, I need to at least get some stocking stuffers and prepare some sort of meal for our first Christmas with just the 3 of us.

I’m going to keep it simple since I only need to feed 2. We’re going to have ham, sweet potatoes, corn, and either brussels sprouts or green beans (maybe both). We’ll also have pumpkin pie, my husband’s favorite, and apple pie as well. Finally, we’ll be making some cookies to leave for Santa!

This is the first year that we haven’t traveled to a family members house for the holiday, therefore the first time I’ve had to whip up the entire meal rather than a side dish or two.  It made me a little anxious, as I wanted to have some traditional choices that really made it feel like a special holiday meal.

We had turkey not too long ago, so I opted for ham. What’s your preference, turkey or ham? For larger gatherings you could probably go with both!

Also, let me know, what are your favorite holiday sides and desserts?

I’ll be better prepared next year, but I’m really looking forward to this special day with my little family!

Welcome to Motherhood

Having a baby is the best thing I have ever done, and the hardest. Our little Cameron McCallie was born on Friday, December 5th. We’ve been home for 2 weeks now and OH MY the experiences we have had.
How new Moms can take care of themselves

Nothing can prepare you. Not reading every word of every book on the topic or every mommy blog out there. Not even, getting the down and dirty version from a close mommy friend.

You know you won’t get any sleep and you expect them to eat, sleep and poop around the clock, but there are struggles you just could not have prepared yourself for.  All of a sudden you are smack dab in the middle of the craziest, yet most beautiful challenge of your life.

A couple of things I have concluded from my experience thus far are:

Moms need to take care of themselves.

            Sit down a few minutes when you have the opportunity versus feeling obligated to have the dishes clean and laundry done. Or take a shower! It’s amazing how this can make you feel like a real person again.

Take a moment to enjoy the small victories.

            Pause to observe the miracle that you have created. Sit, stare, observe and take it all in. Don’t allow the stress, sleep deprivation, depression to rob you of these precious moments that you can never get back.

Another aspect of Moms taking care of themselves is to ensure that they are eating. There is not a single plan that is right for everyone, so I am not here to say eat this, this and this. Finding time to eat is often one of the many struggles new Moms face. With that in mind, one thing that can be very helpful is to have your freezer stocked with options that you can take out and prepare quickly or just heat and serve. Here are a couple of great roundups of freezer meal recipes to get you started.

Food Trend: Why are People Putting Butter in Their Coffee?

Why are People Putting Butter in Their Coffee?

Have you heard anything about people adding butter to their morning coffee and that is their breakfast?

What’s the story??? It’s one of the newest food trends and most people know it as Bulletproof Coffee, a term coined by Dave Asprey.

It all began when Dave came in from -10 degree weather in Tibet and was rejuvenated with a cup of yak butter tea. After years of research he formulated his recipe for Bulletproof coffee, which is now touted by musicians, athletes and top executives.

Here’s how it works, you brew 16 oz. of organic coffee, add 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, 1-2 tablespoons MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil or coconut oil, and blend to combine.

The nutrition facts:

Calories: 441

Fat: 51 g (80% saturated)

He emphasizes the use of high quality, organic coffee with lower mtotoxins, grassfed butter with highly desirable fat soluble vitamins and MCT oil to promote high energy, fat loss and brain function.

I interviewed an avid Bulletproof Coffee drinker for a little more first hand insight and here is what they had to say.

How did you first hear about Bulletproof Coffee? 
It was mentioned on a podcast that I listen to.

What made you want to try it?

I was looking for a new, quick breakfast option and I was drinking coffee every morning anyway. I had also just been hearing more about the benefits of adding more healthy fats to your diet.

How long have you been on the Bulletproof Coffee bandwagon?
About 6 months

Do you have it every morning?

Every weekday morning

How do you prepare your Bulletproof coffee?
I add 2 cups brewed coffee to a blender and then add 2 Tbsp MCT oil, 2 TBSP ghee, a dash of creatine, and a dash cinnamon and blend for about 10 seconds. I then pour it into a large Tervis and take it to go.
How do you feel after consuming it and for the next several hours?
Honestly, I feel pretty good. I notice it the most if I take like a week off from it (if I’m out of town) and then come back and get back to the routine of having the bulletproof coffee. I feel more alert and a little sharper.
When is the next time you eat something after drinking your Bulletproof coffee in the morning?
For me, 2 hours later I will have a snack. This is because I exercise regularly and need more substance. 
Do you plan to continue drinking Bulletproof coffee for the foreseeable future?
Yes, I will continue to have it even if I find that I have time to make breakfast in the morning because I enjoy the benefits I am experiencing as well as the taste.

What advice would you give someone wanting to give it a shot? Any tips/tricks?
The actual recipe calls for organic grassfed butter. However, I am lactose intolerant so I use ghee. Also, start off with small doses of the butter or ghee and mct oil as it may upset your stomach at first if you start off with larger doses. Finally, if you want to try it and have any expectation of health benefits such as weight loss you will have to reevaluate your entire diet.

I also calculated the nutrition information for the specific blend of ingredients that my interviewee uses:

Calories: 470

Fat: 58 g (46 g saturated)

Source One Nutrition’s bullet points on Bullet Proof Coffee: 

  • As with any food trend, proceed with caution.
  • I am a proponent of healthy fats, so the fat content alone does not scare me. Fats will not make you fat.
  • If you are only having buttered coffee for breakfast, be sure to consume VERY nutrient dense meals and snacks the rest of the day, as the nutrient content of the coffee concoction is very low.
  • Know your lab numbers before and after drastically changing your diet to know how it is affecting YOU.

I personally have never tried this coffee concoction, but I may do so after the birth of my son and will certainly let you know what I think.

Have you tried butter in your coffee?

Food Perceptions: Your relationship with Food

 Do you think about food all of the time? When you see or bring to mind a certain food does it elicit certain feelings or emotions? Our dietary approaches, beliefs and habits affect how we relate to food.

People relate to food in many different ways. For some it encompasses a major portion of their day. Now, we all have to eat, but for the individuals that I am referring to food rules their days. The planning, preparing and consuming of food is almost always on their minds. Along with this they often have strong convictions about food and may feel that there are good foods and bad foods.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are those that are somewhat indifferent towards food. They may be very educated, healthful eaters, but they do not spend their days obsessing over it. They do not see certain foods and think of it as good or bad and they probably won’t feel guilty after consuming certain foods.

A 2012 study in Eating Behaviors looked at how different dietary approaches affect how people relate to food.  There were those that followed a restraint model of eating and others who practiced moderation.  In the study, an individual following the restraint model actively restricted foods while those who practiced moderation self-regulated eating based on responding to their needs and desires in a reasonable manner.

For example, a moderate eater may prepare a plate for themselves with small portions and if they still feel hungry after consuming those portions, they would be comfortable getting more. A restrained eater on the on the other hand has certain rules for eating and will not budge on those. These may include low carb, low sugar, exact portions, etc.

The mindset of moderate eaters is more focused on their diet as a whole rather than an individual meal or food item. Again, this individual may be a very healthful eater and may in fact read food labels, look at macro-nutrients, and be concerned with the quality of the food they consume. The difference however, is that they strike a balance between healthy eating, internal cues from their body and experiencing satisfaction from the foods that they eat versus following a set of inflexible food rules.

In the study, restraint was linked to worry about weight, less perceived ability to manage weight, more emotional and binge eating and lower life satisfaction. On the contrary, those that were categorized as moderate eaters believed they could effectively manage their weight and had lower emotional and binge eating.

How would you describe your relationship with food; are you a moderate eater or do you find that you restrain?

Glucose Checks and Baby Pics

Fasting and post prandial glucose checks can help you keep your gestational diabetes under control.

Not to turn Source One into Jodie’s diary, but I do want to give you a quick update since last week’s post. First, I received great feedback and a lot of support and it is greatly appreciated!

I have been checking my glucose 4 times daily: fasting, 2 hours post breakfast, 2 hours post lunch and 2 hours post dinner. Thus far, all have been well under the goals of <95 for fasting and <120 for 2 hours post meals.

I began being VERY strict, as in basically not eating any carbohydrates. Therefore I have found that I actually needed to add back in some carbs to each meal in order to not only receive much needed nutrients, but to ensure that I am consuming enough calories.

You may recall my post from several months ago A1 See? Balanced Carb Diets for Diabetics Can Be Easy in which I discussed that when diagnosed with diabetes a common thought is “ I have to stop eating carbs completely.” I went on to talk about how this is not necessarily the case and that the type of carbohydrates and quantity consumed should be the main focus.

Upon my diagnosis of gestational diabetes I did just that, cut out almost all carbohydrates. I knew that this was not the ideal plan; rather it would not be the long-term plan throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. However, I have found that it has been beneficial in order to gauge how I respond to certain types of foods.
By initially going almost cold turkey, I was able to discover where I absolutely needed to add carbohydrates, what types and in what amounts in order to keep my blood glucose at optimal levels throughout the day. All of this proves the all or nothing approach is not healthy nor is it sustainable. Zero carbs is not beneficial to your body and certainly not for your sanity. 

In an upcoming discussion I will go into more on the “on the wagon/off the wagon mentality” and look at how different dietary approaches affect how people relate to food.

So, things are going well and we had another ultrasound last week where we actually got a pretty good little peak at Baby P, here he is!

Again, thanks so much for all of the feedback and support of Source One Nutrition!

Getting Real: Gestational Diabetes

The last few weeks have been a struggle; they’ve thrown me for a loop. I started the third trimester of my pregnancy and as soon as that happened it’s like the flip was switched, back to no energy.

I’ve also been going back and forth on the direction of Source One, the blog in particular. Debating whether to keep the post strictly professional/informational or adding a more personal touch with stories, examples, insights from my own life. I was leaning towards adding some personal aspects, but how much is too much? How much did I want to share and how much do you want to see?

I am taking one recent event in my life as a sign to go for it, to share more. One of my ultimate goals is to connect with my audience, inspire, relate, and be real. I don’t eat perfectly everyday, I don’t exercise everyday and I’m not ALWAYS positive, upbeat and optimistic. Like everyone, all of my days are not all filled with sunshine and smiles, or kale and quinoa :)

In the 29th week of my pregnancy, I went in to the doctor for a routine appointment with an ultrasound. My husband and I were so excited to see our little boy, as we had not done so in 2 months. We really didn’t have any good pictures of him, as at the last appointment they were all pretty alien looking. We were looking forward to seeing him, his growth, and maybe getting a better idea of some of his features. Well, he had different plans. He was all smooshed up against me, had his hands on his face and possibly in his mouth. The doctor said, “I guess we will have to wait until he is born to see what he looks like.” I was pretty disappointed.

That appointment also involved the infamous glucose screening test. I got in my car that morning, 50 gram glucose flat orange soda like concoction in hand and headed to the doctors office. I chugged it 45 minutes prior to my appointment time as directed. (Side note: I had to leave the house an hour and 15 minutes prior to the appointment to get there on time even though it’s about 18 miles away, but it’s Atlanta!)

The nurse came in at one point during the ultrasound to draw my blood, right at the one hour mark after I had reported finishing the drink. This was not done as a finger stick with instant results, much to my dismay, but it was going to be sent to a lab in New Jersey to be analyzed and then I would get a call about the results.

The appointment was on a Thursday and the following morning I got a voice mail from the office stating that I had FAILED the test and would need to come in for the 3 hour test. I knew this was a possibility as both Type 1 and gestational diabetes run in my family, but it was still a punch in the stomach.

Not only did I not want to have to deal with going back in, drinking more of the dreaded sugar concoction, sitting in the office for 3 hours, and having my blood drawn 4 times, I just didn’t want this in my chart. Throughout the entire pregnancy thus far, everything was normal. The concerns area in my chart was empty and I wanted it to stay that way. I didn’t want this red flag to limit my choices or force me into a direction that I did not want, in regards to labor and delivery.

I scheduled the 3 hour glucose tolerance test for the following Tuesday morning, just wanting to get it out of the way. The night before, I ate dinner at 7 and had nothing to eat or drink afterwards. I went to bed hungry and woke up ravenous. It was a morning of terrible storms, so I left home really early. It took almost an hour and a half to make the 18 mile trek and let me tell you, you want nothing to do with a pregnant lady that has had zero calories over the last 12 hours that is currently having to maneuver through Atlanta traffic, in the rain.

I make it to the office, have my fasting blood glucose drawn and drink the 100 gram glucose drink. Not only did I get double the sugar this time (on an empty stomach) I got to choose my flavor! I told her I would get crazy that morning and I chose the punch flavor over the orange flavor. I was then sent to the waiting room and would be summoned after an hour to have my blood drawn again. I’ll spare all of the details of the events that transpired over the next few hours because there aren’t many, none exciting anyway. I was just told not to have water or gum and not to walk around. After the final tube of blood was drawn I was sent home, again being told the blood was being sent off and I would hear back about the results.

The next day, I get another voice mail from the doctor’s office, “You have failed the 3 hour test; you are a gestational diabetic.” I cried, and I cried, and I cried. I’m not sure it could be called crying, bawling maybe? I was so upset, I felt defeated, I don’t know what I felt…

Again, this runs in the family and I was aware that it was a definite possibility. Also, as a dietitian, I knew every intricate detail of what it meant, what I would need to do, etc. But, at that moment I wasn’t a dietitian. I was an emotional, hormonal, mom-to-be.

Not long after the news was received, it was lunchtime. I was hungry, but I thought, what am I going to eat?!? I felt that the news received only moments earlier severely limited my choices. I opted for some protein and vegetables that were already cooked and waiting in the refrigerator. Shortly after, I headed out for a walk.

On this walk, I calmed down and began telling myself that it was going to be OK. I even talked to the baby and told him that it was going to be OK; that I knew what to do to keep him healthy and that that’s what I was going to do.

I’m still overwhelmed by it and wish it weren’t so. But, I have all the knowledge that I would ever need in order to keep the baby and myself healthy for the remainder of the pregnancy. I’m going to pass on the ice cream (my only pregnancy craving) and walk after every meal, because I know that’s what works for me.

Again, I am taking this one personal event as a sign, as the push to start sharing more with the audience of Source One. In hopes that one day you might come across something that you can relate to, maybe even something that inspires you.

Have you gone through a similar experience? Please feel free comment below or send me a private message at

Also, there are SO many Brene Brown quotes that I love. Read more here : Brene Brown Quotes

Best Fall Soups and Stews

Fall is the time to dust off your crock pot and start making hearty, healthy soups and stews. When the temperatures fall a warm bowl of soup is what many of us crave. And what's better than coming in from the cold to a delicious smelling house with warm meal waiting for you?

 I love being able to throw all of the ingredients in and let it “do it’s thing” while I take care of other things on my to do list. Here is a roundup of some of my favorites!

Italian White Bean, Cabbage and Sausage Soup | Bare Feet in the Kitchen

Italian White Bean, Cabbage, and Sausage Soup

Have you broken out your crock pot or slow cooker yet this season?

Fall Foods to Fight Cold and Flu

Enjoying some of these foods can help you kick a cold or stave it off in the first place all while allowing you to indulge in your desire for all things fall!
Happy Fall Y’all! Fall fever seemed to start early this year with pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that all over the place, before we even hit the first official day of fall. Now that it’s October, I’m all in.

Along with all of the fun activities that this time of year brings, there is also a downside, more sniffles and sneezes. With the declining temperatures, comes a rise in the incidence of colds, flu, allergies, and other weather related symptoms and conditions.

Incorporating some specific foods in our diets this time of year can assist in the battle against colds and flu.

So what can we do to fend for our families, ourselves and keep those dreaded issues out of our homes? Incorporating some specific foods in our diets this time of year can assist in the battle and the great news…they are fall friendly foods you may be craving anyway!

Soup: We’ve all heard of the old chicken soup for a cold remedy and there just may be something to it. One theory is that hot soup raises the temperature in the nose and throat, which creates an unwelcoming environment for viruses that thrive in cool and dry places.

Pumpkin seeds: Packed with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, including zinc. Zinc helps the immune system by acting as an antioxidant and minimizing damage to cell membranes from free radicals.

Blueberries: Contain very high concentrations of antioxidants to help fight off flu viruses, in fact, they have been found to have more antioxidants than 40 other fruits and vegetables.

Garlic: Raw garlic has compounds called allion and allicin, which have direct antiviral effects. If you can’t bear the thought, let alone the taste of raw garlic, throw it in your soup or another cooked dish. Cooked garlic has sulfur-containing compounds, which have anti-microbial activity.

Ginger: Can alleviate cold symptoms and clear nasal passages.  For the most potent version, try steeping slices of fresh ginger in hot water for a soothing drink.

Spices: Turmeric, cloves and cinnamon are packed with antioxidants, which help improve the function of the immune system.

Eggs: Egg yolks are a good source of selenium, a powerful mineral that supports a healthy immune system.

Fall is prime time for colds. There are over a billion colds in the U.S every year, according to the National Institutes of Health. Enjoying some of the foods listed above can help you kick a cold or stave it off in the first place all while allowing you to indulge in your desire for all things fall!

Do you have any home remedies or tips that work for you? Please share.

Tips for Packing a Healthy Lunch

Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day. However, many continue to skip it as they “are not hungry”, “do not like breakfast food”, or “don’t have time”. Then lunchtime rolls around, they are ravenous and are then forced to make a quick decision of what to grab from the cafeteria or local restaurant.

Skipping breakfast or consuming one loaded with processed ingredients and sugar leaves your body functioning well below optimal functionality. If you continue this pattern at lunch, by mid afternoon, you will come crashing down and want to crawl into bed, or under your desk, for a nap.

Employing some or all of these tips will help you establish a smooth routine for packing nutritious lunches that will keep you fueled throughout the day.

To avoid this daily downward spiral and feel your best, use the following tips to simplify the process of packing a healthy lunch.

Pack the night before

Work and school day mornings are hectic.  Pack lunch boxes the night before so you have one less to-do amongst all of the chaos.

Focus on variety

Some thought needs to be put into what you throw into that lunch box to ensure that it is a balanced meal with an array of nutrients. Be sure to include sources of protein, fiber, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables.

Quality is key

Skip the processed, pre-packaged convenience items like cookies, cracker, and chips. Focus on fresh ingredients that will keep you fueled properly through the afternoon.

Don’t forget the H2O

Dehydration delivers some really nasty symptoms, some of which are headache, dizziness, fatigue and lack of focus and concentration. Packing a frozen water bottle in your lunch works double duty, keeping your foods cool and providing the hydration you need when it is time to dine.

Plan for leftovers

When preparing dinner, plan to have some leftovers that you can pack for lunch the next day. This can be one of the simplest ways to ensure that you have a well-balanced lunch and saves time too.

Food Prep

Sundays are a great day to plan ahead for the week by preparing some food items that you can include in your weekday lunches. Spending a little time cooking extra protein and cleaning and cutting fruits and vegetables prior to lunch box assembly can make that process a little quicker and less stressful.

Employing some or all of these tips will help you establish a smooth routine for packing nutritious lunches that will keep you fueled throughout the day. Here’s to planning ahead, enjoying your lunch from home and feeling your best!

Do you have any tips that help you stay on track with healthy lunches during the week? Please share!

3 Simple Ways to Add More Vegetables to Your Diet

3 Simple Ways to Add More Vegetables to Your Diet

Some people love vegetables, while others despise them. Is your favorite vegetable French Fries?!? I actually heard that once upon a time.

It can be an uphill battle to get children to consume enough vegetables, even if you make a work of art out of a plate of vegetables (think animal faces, smiley faces, etc.) or douse them in cheese sauce or ranch dip.

The challenge can be a difficult one, so I wanted to offer up 3 simple ways you can incorporate more vegetables into your day.

1.    Incorporate veggies into your breakfast

You can do this is a couple different ways. First, smoothies can be a quick option and a great place to add in green vegetables like spinach and kale. Of course you can add some fruit as well, but let the vegetables be the star. Lower sugar fruit choices such as berries are an excellent choice. A second option for slipping some veggies into your breakfast is to throw them into an omelet or egg scramble. Choose whatever you like: spinach, peppers, onion, tomato, mushrooms, and avocado work well.

2.    Add veggies where least expected

You shouldn’t have to hide all of the vegetables that you intend for your kids to eat, but putting some in foods where they will never be detected is by no means a bad thing. Boosting the nutritional value of muffins and other baked goods by having some vegetables in the ingredients list is fantastic! (sweet potato, zucchini, carrot, avocado)

3. Eat your veggies before the main course

Prepare a salad and have that prior to your meal or much on something like carrots or cucumber beforehand, or even while you are preparing the main dish. Make this a habit and you may even find that your kids start asking for the veggie appetizer!

You may not reach your vegetable intake goal everyday, but by keeping in mind how and where you can add more into your daily routine can get you closer. Try one or all of the above tips and let me know how it goes!

Kitchen Basics: Pantry, Freezer and Fridge Staples

Stock your kitchen with these refrigerator, freezer and pantry staples to reduce stress, trips to the grocery store and put a healthy meal or snack on the table in no time.


Coming home to realize that you don’t have enough to choose from in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer to throw together a meal can be very frustrating! Your cupboard is bear and you are already hungry, so the quickest solution is to get take-out or delivery.

By keeping your kitchen stocked with some of the following essentials, you can avoid the frustration and hunger pangs and put a healthy meal or snack on the table in no time.

This isn’t an all-inclusive, full inventory, but rather the things that I keep on hand and reach for almost daily, as they tend to show up in various things that I prepare. Also included are some ideas of what I like to do with each item.

There are of course some staple spices and seasonings that you will want to keep on hand as well to make putting a meal on the table less stressful and more tasty! I’ll have that list for you at a later date, so stay tuned.

Canned goods and shelf stable items:

1. Nut Butter (peanut, almond, etc.)

In my house we go through A LOT of nut butter. The best day ever was a recent find of buy one get one free 40 oz. all-natural peanut butter. We add it to shakes, along with berries, spinach and almond milk or to oatmeal along with fruit. Oftentimes, we have it with an apple for a snack, or smeared atop a rice cake. Finally, there are a few things that I whip up rather frequently which call for nut butter. For example:

2. Nuts (Almonds, walnuts, pecans)
3. Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, chia, hemp, flax)
4. Dried fruit

I like to add any or all of the above to yogurt, trail mixes, or salads. Other times, I will eat them alone or again there are many recipes to which I add them; including various baked goods and homemade snack bars.

5. Oats

Oats are a must have in any kitchen. If all else fails, there’s always oatmeal for breakfast, lunch or dinner (I have been known to do this)! Load your oatmeal with some of the aforementioned pantry staples and you are in for a real treat that is totally satisfying. Oats are also a great base for lots of homemade baked goods.

6. Sweet potatoes

Bake them, boil them, roast them, mash them, puree them. Don't care for them solo? Sweet potatoes can also be well hidden in baked goods from scones, to muffins, to cookies!

7. Rice
8. Quinoa

Keeping these pantry staples on hand allows you to have at your disposal key ingredients to round out your meal and provide sustenance. Meat and vegetables are great for lunch or dinner, but if that is all that is prepared, you may feel hungry within an hour or two. Add one of these protein filled starches to keep you satisfied a little longer.

9. Canned Beans

If you find yourself in a pinch without any meat sources of protein, don’t regularly consume meat protein, or just want to have a meatless meal, beans are an excellent alternative. Rice, beans and veggies combine for a delicious, satisfying meal. Alternatively, throw them into a crock-pot or slow cooker alongside a combination of some other ingredients for a soup or stew.

10. Canned tomatoes

It can be difficult to keep fresh tomatoes on hand at just the desired ripeness. This is when canned tomatoes come in handy. They can be added to an array of one-pot dishes, soups and stews.

Freezer Staples:

11. Frozen berries

Another item that is hard to keep on hand fresh, due to a short shelf life or seasonality is berries. I keep these in bulk in the freezer to add to smoothies, yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, muffins, and more.

12. Frozen vegetables

Keeping a stash of vegetables in your freezer can pull you out of an emergency situation when you find you have nothing fresh on hand. I always keep chopped onions, green peppers and usually also a couple of other choices... an oriental blend (great for stir frys), cauliflower, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts.

13. Frozen poultry, beef and seafood

Fill your freezer with some of the meats that you prepare most often to eliminate unplanned extra trips to the store when you discover you have nothing in the refrigerator and a meatless meal just won't do. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are a freezer staple at my house. 

Refrigerator Staples:

14. Eggs
Of course they are great for breakfast, or breakfast for dinner! You’ll also want to keep them on hand for recipes.

15. Avocado

Avocado may not be a staple in every household, but it sure is in mine. However, it is something I find myself having to pick up a couple of times a week if I want to have them at the perfect ripeness. I generally add them to salads several times a week and believe it or not you can find some recipes to sneak mashed avocado in. Peanut Butter Avocado Cookies

And let’s not forget guacamole!

16. Apples

Apples have a longer shelf life than most fruits, so it is easier to keep them on hand. They are a great snack while at home or on the go. I tend to always have one in my purse when headed out of the house. While at home, as mentioned above, we like to have apples with nut butter.

17. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt can be a great high protein snack, or a quick breakfast. I always add fruits, nuts, and sometimes chia seeds, flax, hemp or pumpkin seeds.

Let me know, what are some of your kitchen staples for healthy eating?



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